martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

1- Halloween is a day to have fun or to make people realize crimes?

some people like the kids have a good time but also many people realize crimes


2- Is good that people exaggerate christmas or better calm down?

 is bad because people forget the true meaning of Christmas,but also good while maintaining the meaning.

3- Is good to show people celebrated special days or so is better with more calm?
  Is good for people to celebrate with the family but also you have to understand that not all people can do that

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Describing a picture


in the picture you can see a man flying with his dog in a sport that is practiced little, because of the risk that you run, but still people who practice it says is one of the best experiences that they have in their live.

also you can see how the dog will rely heavily on their own, this can be deduced by the calm that has in the photo, normally a dog can lose the calm if he is in the sky and would have a different emotion, it would enjoy the sport as does the dog in the imagen

finally we can see how technology has helped us to fly, but not only us, also to animals and even, both fly together, a few years ago never thought to do this. Just seeing this photo is something incredible, and shows us that anything is possible in the life

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

I agree that people can get tattoos on the body, because people can do what they wants with her body. A tattoo is a change in color of the skin in which you create a drawing, a picture or text in ink or some other pigment under the skin of a person.

 People get tattoos for different reasons, some because they like how it looks on them. others art and others that show different feelings tattoos through.

 In polinesia apparently, this region of the world is the one with the tattoo artist broader tradition. The various Polynesian tribes used tattooing as body ornamentation, without thereby losing their own strong sense of community. The tattoo began at an early age and lasted until the body is not left untouched region of the pigments. Beyond its aesthetic sense, the tattoo gave respect hierarchy and favored community who took them on your skin: the tattooed was someone more respect was owed. 

In North America, the Indians used tattoos as part of the rite of passage. When a person went from puberty to adulthood it tattooed in order to protect his soul. However, this was not the only use ritual tattoo was done in this region of the world.

Currently, there are tattoos that disappear shortly drawn and are called temporary. Among the temporary stickers are calls of very limited duration and very popular with children, easy cleared and disappear over time

 In resume  with this we could see that every culture has different views for tattoos some as an accessory or some as the most important of their religions

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Dear diary

Today was my birthday , I celebrate here in england, and it was perfect.
 even though I have little time here, i make a lot of friends and they and they accompanied me all day.
The tradiccions here in englandas was so diferents , for example the way I celebrated the birthday, 
usually in chile, I celebrated another day with my friends at a party or other place, but here the same day they always give me gifts, and they do a lot of things, I did many things I never imagined doing in chile this type of birthday was so funny and i thing that if in chile we did his type of birthay, can be increadible.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

1- Why is it important for Lenina to publicly prove her unfaithfulness to Henry?

The unfaithfulness to Lenina is note very important in the book, because in the book that was normal,all the people have por than one couple, so we can say that in that world de unfaithflness doesn't exist

2- Is it natural to be in a couple and raise a family in the Brave new World? Why/why not?

It's not natural, because the social rules at that time say that this is not correct, In the contra part they thought that the human being should have many couples and that should not be enslaved by way of a only couple. This is reflected in the chapter 3 page 35: "Their world (the past) didn't allow them to take things easily, didn't allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy." That is why this question is totally related to the unfaithfulness of the world of brave new world in which it is assumed that someone can be happy only if it is free to be with anyone, in wherever they want and however they want.

3- What is the meaning of "pneumatic" when it is used to describe Lenina?

This description can be metaphorical. It seems that he wants to mean that she's busty, curvy, and all-around sexy

4- What is “Soma” and why do people use it?

its a designer drug with no side effects can cure feelings of sadness and who use every time they want a vacation or experience negative emotions and want to escape reality and is shown according to chapter 4 page 52: "you do look glum! What do you need is a gramme of soma. Diving into his right-hand trouser-pocket.Benito produced a phial. One cubic centimeter cures ten gloomy ... but, I say

5- Was Bernard a tall or a short man? How did this affect his job? Please justify your answer by quoting from chapter 5.

Bernard was a short man. In his job he was affected because he feel "looked" by the society because was different that the others. The mockery make that Bernard feel like a outsider because his shorter than the others.


martes, 23 de abril de 2013

 1- What is this video about?

1.-The video is about a fiscal cliff that has U.S. (a big debt), making that this state stop producing technbology and science to reduce the debt.

2- What is the main concern conveyed in this video?

2.- The main concern conveyed in the video is that all the cuts mensioned on the video, will reduce jobs, scientific progress and threaten U.S. competitiveness; making a risk of lossing the place of global lider in scientific and technological innovations.

3- What will happen if the government stops funding science and technology

3.- If the goverment stops funding science and technology will make a problem for the most of the people of U.S. because now people used it too much depending of it. And not is only a problem to U.S. because other countries depends of the products of this state.

4- Do you agree with this video’s point of view? Why/Why not?

4.- I´m disagree with the video because I depend of technology, to search information making it easier, and also I depend of science, for example when I´m sick and I need some medicine.

5- Does your government provide enough money for research and science? Give examples

5.- I don´t think so, because Chile don´t provide enought money for research and science. This can be proved because they are not good scientist, making that Chile don´t have great inventions.

 1. What is the relevance of chapters 1, 2 and 3 for the development of the plot of the novel?

1)In the first three chapters the author is describing caracteristcs of the place where the character live, like the different types of humans (alpha, beta, gammas and epsilon), and how they are created, making us introduce for help us to understand the book, and explain what is the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre and how it work

2. What kind of text is the information in these three chapters conveyed:  description, conversations, narration, other? Give examples.

2)This chapters are of a descriptive kind, because in each chapter describe different things. In the first chapter, is an introduction to the world from where man was born, explaining the different types of human and the process of their creation; in the second chapter, describes childrens of delta class showing to students how they makes them hate and fear for some things; and in the third chapter, is shown to students as children are distracted, and also show how the new civilizaton took over the past.

3. What are 4 important facts we learn about this future world?

First : If you are a Betta you will dont like books and flowers.
Second : the one of the most important facts is that is a new way of creating humans
Third :  is that a human can change our way to think. 
Fourth : The one of the most important facts is that is a new way of creating humans.

A) “They’ll be safe from books and botany all their lives” 

That phrase is by the director to the groups of students   in the nursery, the electro shock to babies deltas to dislike books and flowers . (Second chapter)

B) “But in Epsilons…we don’t need human intelligence”:  (First Chapter) Henry Foster says this to the students, explaining the different types of humans.

C) “Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, everywhere a focusing on interest, a narrow channel of impulse and energy”: (Third Chapter) The director says this, and refers to the interests of the different human types and the different way of thinking. 

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

What is science

Science Definition

The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge.

How do we define science? According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."
What does that really mean? Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena. The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. Less formally, the word science often describes any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it.