martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

1- Halloween is a day to have fun or to make people realize crimes?

some people like the kids have a good time but also many people realize crimes


2- Is good that people exaggerate christmas or better calm down?

 is bad because people forget the true meaning of Christmas,but also good while maintaining the meaning.

3- Is good to show people celebrated special days or so is better with more calm?
  Is good for people to celebrate with the family but also you have to understand that not all people can do that

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Describing a picture


in the picture you can see a man flying with his dog in a sport that is practiced little, because of the risk that you run, but still people who practice it says is one of the best experiences that they have in their live.

also you can see how the dog will rely heavily on their own, this can be deduced by the calm that has in the photo, normally a dog can lose the calm if he is in the sky and would have a different emotion, it would enjoy the sport as does the dog in the imagen

finally we can see how technology has helped us to fly, but not only us, also to animals and even, both fly together, a few years ago never thought to do this. Just seeing this photo is something incredible, and shows us that anything is possible in the life