martes, 23 de abril de 2013

 1. What is the relevance of chapters 1, 2 and 3 for the development of the plot of the novel?

1)In the first three chapters the author is describing caracteristcs of the place where the character live, like the different types of humans (alpha, beta, gammas and epsilon), and how they are created, making us introduce for help us to understand the book, and explain what is the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre and how it work

2. What kind of text is the information in these three chapters conveyed:  description, conversations, narration, other? Give examples.

2)This chapters are of a descriptive kind, because in each chapter describe different things. In the first chapter, is an introduction to the world from where man was born, explaining the different types of human and the process of their creation; in the second chapter, describes childrens of delta class showing to students how they makes them hate and fear for some things; and in the third chapter, is shown to students as children are distracted, and also show how the new civilizaton took over the past.

3. What are 4 important facts we learn about this future world?

First : If you are a Betta you will dont like books and flowers.
Second : the one of the most important facts is that is a new way of creating humans
Third :  is that a human can change our way to think. 
Fourth : The one of the most important facts is that is a new way of creating humans.

A) “They’ll be safe from books and botany all their lives” 

That phrase is by the director to the groups of students   in the nursery, the electro shock to babies deltas to dislike books and flowers . (Second chapter)

B) “But in Epsilons…we don’t need human intelligence”:  (First Chapter) Henry Foster says this to the students, explaining the different types of humans.

C) “Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, everywhere a focusing on interest, a narrow channel of impulse and energy”: (Third Chapter) The director says this, and refers to the interests of the different human types and the different way of thinking. 

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